Graduation day is among us, you stayed up all night for the last time studying, you took your finals, and now you're a graduate. Such a big accomplishment, all your hard work payed off and you are finishing school.
However, now is the big question, where do you go from here? As an about to be college graduate myself, I have had several people asking me what's next. The truth is, I don't know. I have no clue what I am going to do next and that's OK. You don't have to have everything planned out right away. Here is what you can do, plan for all the interviews you're going to be getting! There is an art to interviewing, believe it or not. Here are some of my tips for interviewing.
Imagine the following scenario...
You just got the call saying your resume is fabulous, like you, and the prospect wants you to come in for an interview! After you set up a time, make sure the phone is hung up, and then start jumping up and down screaming out of excitement! After you calm down, you're going to ask yourself the one thing every woman asks herself when she realizes something big is going to happen. “What am I going to wear?” That is a good question and it could mean you get the job or you don’t. What you wear is the first impression a prospective employer gets. You want to send a good message. No matter what the industry is you want to keep your look sleek and simple. Leave your creative pieces at home and save them for another time. This is not a good time to break out your favorite hot pink bomber jacket with your favorite pins on it. If you aren’t sure how formal to dress remember it is better to overdress than to under dress. Overdressing shows that you have respect for the company and that you care about the interview. You don’t want anything to low-cut, too short, or too tight. You want your outfit to fit you properly, but if not, looser is much better than tighter.
You just got the call saying your resume is fabulous, like you, and the prospect wants you to come in for an interview! After you set up a time, make sure the phone is hung up, and then start jumping up and down screaming out of excitement! After you calm down, you're going to ask yourself the one thing every woman asks herself when she realizes something big is going to happen. “What am I going to wear?” That is a good question and it could mean you get the job or you don’t. What you wear is the first impression a prospective employer gets. You want to send a good message. No matter what the industry is you want to keep your look sleek and simple. Leave your creative pieces at home and save them for another time. This is not a good time to break out your favorite hot pink bomber jacket with your favorite pins on it. If you aren’t sure how formal to dress remember it is better to overdress than to under dress. Overdressing shows that you have respect for the company and that you care about the interview. You don’t want anything to low-cut, too short, or too tight. You want your outfit to fit you properly, but if not, looser is much better than tighter.
Here is an example of a top that would work for your interview. This top has the perfect amount of detail to make you fall in love and could pair swimmingly with a black pant.
Now, for the shoes. You can go with either flats or heels. I would keep it in the realm of what you can actually walk confidently in. Probably best to stay away from the heels you wore to your best friends wedding, that you drank too much at, and had to ditch the shoes.
(Obviously, I have only seen that happen to other people and never have experienced that myself 😅)
Anyway, if you do choose heels, go for a simple 3 inch heel that you can walk in and not distract the interviewer. You want them to focus on you and what you’re saying and not how you AREN’T walking.
For makeup and hair, stay away from anything that makes you look like you are going to a club or to a bachelorette party. Minimalism is key here. Try nude or natural colored nails and no thick eye liner. Something else to consider is pulling your hair back if you have long hair (like I do). You don’t want to be constantly brushing your hair out of your face. You want to look polished and well groomed. Perfume is not necessary here, you don’t want to come off too strong in this area. Keep the accessories simple. No big chunky necklaces or large dangling earrings. Try simple gold stud earrings or a pearl necklace. It is also best to go simple here.
Now, do some research on the company, learn a little about it. Remember there is a reason you got an interview, they are interested! Go get ‘em!
Now, do some research on the company, learn a little about it. Remember there is a reason you got an interview, they are interested! Go get ‘em!
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